May 13- Spilling the Beans

Tonight I got to tell my parents. It couldn't have played out more perfectly. My mom has been away on her "trip of a lifetime" to Europe with my aunt for two weeks, so I haven't been able to talk to her much. Last thing she knew we were having to make a quick decision on going for IVF (to which she said "go for it"). And let me tell you how hard it is to keep this big of a secret from her! Her and I are more like sisters than mother/daughter and I'm an only child, so you do the math! But this would be one secret that was worth the wait!

So her trip home was today and she was supposed to have a 4 hour layover in Miami, which is about 3.5 hours from where her home airport is. My dad was originally going to pick her up at the Orlando airport, but for some reason out of the blue he decided he was going to pick her up in Miami and drive her home so she wouldn't have a 4 hour layover. Which was really rather odd because my parents aren't together! They've been split up for 20 years but live 2 miles from each other and have only in recent years become somewhat friends. So him offering to drive all the way down to pick her up even though she already had a connecting flight home was surprising. But it actually couldn't have worked out more perfectly. That very same day I had to drive down to Ft. Lauderdale to stay over night for a company-wide Assistant Principal meeting the next day. And even better, the time she was getting in to Miami made it so they would be passing through Ft. Laudie right when I'd be checking into the hotel. Craziness, right?! And what better time to drop the baby bomb on the 'rents then when they'd both be together!

For some reason I was so nervous about telling them. But a good nervous. I mean, it couldn't have been timed more perfectly. Right after my mom's long trip, the weekend we were having to decide if we were going to give IVF a shot... on MOTHER'S DAY WEEKEND... It's almost unbelievable! Anyway, so I bought a Mother's Day card that said "Grandma" on it. I also took a pic of one of my positive preg tests and had it developed to stick in the card.

The premise was that G and I have a few gifts for Ma for Mother's Day that we wanted to give her when we both see her the following weekend, but we had one gift we wanted to give her now. When my parents showed up at the hotel, I was nearly shaking with anticipation. There was no way I could drag it out so one of the first things I did was give my mom her "gift." Since G couldn't be there, I tried videoing it with my phone. It's not the best quality, but it is definitely worth it's weight in gold. Check out their priceless reaction...


Spilling the Beans- My Parents Reaction 

Funny, I didn't cry when it happened, but I sure do every time I watch it! 


  1. That is super cute. I totally watched the video.

    As for the 'rents, sounds like there could be a lot more to write about that soon!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks! I am really glad I caught it on video. Something I'll keep with me forever.

  2. I swear I cried so hard watching your video just made me think about my own parents and what they wouldn't give for me to be pregnant. I have premature ovarian failure and after trying for months everything naturally all i got was a natural period. I was living breathing POF and tried everything like you. My day 4 bloods were fsh 38.6 (my doctors was closed on weekends for day 3) but at diagnosis I was almost 90. After that period I went back to high fsh, no periods and hot flushes that drove me crazy. I went on HRT on a weak moment of hot flushes and instantly felt better even though I felt like I had copped out after my months of hard work. I had gone to a naturopath, an osteopath, got cranial sacrum, accupunture, food allergy tests and taking everything from dhea to metformin. I am intermittently taking herbs as I actually am sick of pill popping and keeping track of everything I should be doing :/ i just don't know what else I can do, just let it up to God. Congratulations on your pregnancy you really really deserve it :)

    1. Thank you so very much for writing to me. I am sorry to hear all you are going through. It sounds like you are doing a lot of different things. Is that all at once or are those things you have tried at different times? The reason I ask is because maybe if you are doing too many different types of things (like being on metformin while doing natural stuff) that your body doesn't know which direction to go in? I am just guessing and could be totally off though. Just wondering if you tried ONLY doing all natural supplements and strictly eastern meds for any lengthy period of time?

    2. Thanks Jeannette for getting back to me, yes I think you are right, I was just trying everything at once, now I am just taking DHEA, HRT and a prenatal vitamin along with thyroid meds, I feel crap lol

      I have to focus and replan what I am doing...I can tell my immune system is in bad shape as I am allergic to everything these days and breaking out in rashes everywhere. How is the pregnancy going for you?

  3. I think I've just wwatched that video 5 times and sobbed louder each time. I don't have full POF but I am struggling with DOR and planning IVF in Sep (partner has an old vasectomy so no natural for us. We have one shot. One tiny glimmer of hope with odds of 25% tops. We're not even a quarter of the way to our goal of $15,000 and RE tells me not to wait past Sep as the end is near for me. We won't have money for a second try. I am doing EVERYTHING in my power to try for as many eggs as I can get - my RE does unlimited FET but expects no more than 3 eggs given my situation so nothing freezable. I already take a lot of the supps you mentioned, going to add the rest. No TCM practitioners where I live!! (Middle of nowhere Texas) so I have to go with fertility acupuncture given by a western practitioner... O man how I wish I had a Dr Fu!

    Anyway... Your story has inspired me more than you will EVER know. Thank you for sharing your journey. I'm a stubborn mule when I have to be, and it looks like you are too, so good to see that pay off! Thank you!!

  4. I cried watching your video and I promised myself that this is going to my story as well! Thank you so very much for the HOPE! I'm gonna make it just like you did!

    Much love!

    1. R.D.,

      Thank you for writing. I am SO incredibly happy to hear my story gave you hope. I have no doubt you will make it, just stay positive and keep on fighting the fight! Please keep me posted!


  5. Hi Jeannette,

    I have great news! My hormones level are back to normal! My FSH is in the normal range as well as my estradiol! No highs, no lows but the perfect range!!! :-D I'm so very HAPPY!
    I've been diagnosed with POF this year in June 11th and since then I have been taking different supplements like maca, royal jelly, wobenzym N, fertility green (from, wonderful site!) and vitex, I also do acupuncture once a week, I'm on my fifth week! I'm so very HAPPY! I'm not yet pregnant but I am so sure that I will get there soon! I wanted to share this great news with you because you are definitely part of my success! Thank you for your wonderful support!

    Much love!

    1. R.D.,

      That is WONDERFUL news!! So happy to hear that! I am hearing good news (and even a few BFPs) from others who decided to take the natural supplement route as well! It just goes to show you that doctors don't know everything and there is something to be said about treating the body holistically! I would suggest you start charting your BBT if you aren't already and definitely keep me posted on how things are going!!!

      Sending positive vibes your way!

    2. Hi Jeanette,

      Thank you so much for sharing your story, you gave me hope and support! I have wonderful news! I made it! I am so HAPPY to say that I am 12 weeks pregnant!!! And it happened naturally! I had to share it with you because you made me believe it was possible! Thank you!


    3. Ahhhh!!!! Yay! That is wonderful news!!!! I'm absolutely elated for you!! Please keep me posted and I'd love to see pics once you have your baby! Best wishes for a smooth pregnancy!!! <3

  6. Thank you so much for sharing and the HOPE you have restored in me. My eyes are overflowing with tears (and I'm not a crier!) just so happy for you. (Our FSH numbers are very similar, and we've had some pretty bad treatment-lack of treatment- up here in Canada)
    Thank you for your posts, hope you continue posting about your health and your healthy babies!! Congratulations!!!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write. Reading others' success stories was what got me through and gave me hope when I was told by many doctors that there wasn't any. So I am happy to hear you feel a renewed sense of hope. Stay positive and never give up!!!!

